Applied Ai for Better Business
Quantify Business Meetings across and between any Organisation or Meeting Type - internal, external, and remote.
Predictive. Responsive. More Adaptive.
MeetingQuality Technology Quantifies Success.
Advanced Platform
Use MeetingQuality to measure and review Course Correction, benchmark individual and team performance, identify key achievers and influencers, assess Risk Appetite, monitor Culture, continually review outcomes, evaluate Board Effectiveness, encourage appropriate Workplace Behaviour, quantify Business Relationship Compatibility, predict Project Success Probability, aid Digital Transformation, compare Gender Diversity Feedback, validate Strategy, discern Customer Intention, link Cluster Groups, monitor Disbursed Workforce, stay connected…..
Re-Define Success.
DataScience + Ai
DataScience + AI continually quantify Perception, Quality of Relationships, Emotion, and Working Style for added insights and improved outcomes. Easily monitor, develop, and continually review progress, by quantifying individual anonymous contributions from all meeting types.
Fast, easy to use, with automated reporting. MeetingQuality is available through accredited Consulting Partners.
“Members from Organisations as diverse as Construction, IT, Regulated Bodies, Space Programmes, and Banking are enthusiastic about the value obtained from MeetingQuality.”
Donnie MacNicol Convenor Acumen7 and Delivery Club, London, United Kingdom.
MeetingQuality Product Sample
Monitor, predict, develop, and continually review Agile & Waterfall Project Success Probability, Governance, Risk, Contracts, and Team Culture.
Aid adjustment & design of Stakeholder Change Capacity and Velocity.
Live Project, Program and Portfolio reporting
Decrease Average Days to Sale and eliminate Zombie Opportunities. monitor the quality of Customer Relationships and decrease Customer Churn.
Sales Team Reviews with Post Customer Meeting Refinement. Team & Customer Focus Evaluation. Automatic update to Salesforce
Employee and Pulse Surveys with Survey Result Democracy. Real-time and on-demand for teams, with Aggregated Organization-Wide Reporting.
Recruitment (Interview, On-Board & Exit) quantifies Employer Brand in real-time. Gender Diversity Feedback Comparison and instant 2-Click Work Style Profiling.
Monitor Coaching Ecosystem Effectiveness with Controlled Privacy. Map Coaching Relationship Compatibility, Benchmark across and between Organizations. Explore multiple themes to highlight Organisational gaps and Growth Opportunities.
Online live reporting
Current MeetingQuality Tool Set Features
Skills & Relationship Compatibility
Monitor Skills and Relationship Compatibility for Leaders, Teams, Committees, Projects, Coaches, and Customers
Benchmark Groups, Teams, Boards, and Individuals across & between Organizations and Meeting Types.
Measure & Compare
Capabilities, Risk Tolerance, Performance, and Effectiveness. Progress Check throughout day-long Seminars or Board Meetings..
Gender Diversity
Compare Male/Female Anonymous Feedback from all Meetings, Teams, Projects, or Organizations.
Multi Dimensional Reviews
Blend MQ Dimensions with Organization Specific Variables. Compare Individuals, Coaches, Teams, and Committees across Organizations or Boards..
45 Second Feedback
Fast easy Feedback Completion with 24hr Automated Graphical Reporting. Individual Controlled Privacy & Survey Result Democracy.
Profile Comparison
“2-Click” Personality & Work-Style Profiling across Teams or Individuals, Instant, Anonymous Reporting with Individual Controlled Privacy.
Maintain Survey Independence
Review Effectiveness by Survey. Use your own Question Sets or blend with the MeetingQuality Question Range.
Customer Experience
Monitor Sales Team / Customer Relationships with automated updates to Salesforce. Automated Win/Loss Reviews.
Org 360 Surveys
Service, Value, Experience, and Recommendation Comparison, linked across Customers, Executives, Employees, and Suppliers.
Disbursed Workforce
Monitor and connect working from home, remote, or regional workers. Increase Efficiency and Team Cohesion
Link MQ Products
Optimise outcomes through Feedback Comparison from other products like MQProfile, MQCoach, MQStrategy, MQBoard.